Pixelated Heart T-shirt

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Pixelated Heart T-shirt

What makes Pixelated Heart T-shirt Responsible?

The pixelated heart T-shirt symbolises emotion, affection, joy, and love. This T-Shirt is for you if you are a lover of life but could be feeling emotional and physical stress from an unbalanced heart chakra. When you want to balance your heart chakra and embody your ability to love unconditionally, make sure you have this T in your wardrobe. The pixelated heart is a reminder that when your heart chakra is balanced it gives you the ability to recognise that we are all connected and allows you to not only show love to others but to love yourself as well.

Raw Materials

Solar Power


we use green energy, solar power, to run our business

Compostable Packaging


We use compostable mailers, labels, garment bags and eco tape which are great for making nutrient rich compost for your garden