100% Recycled Poo Bags


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100% Recycled Poo Bags

What makes 100% Recycled Poo Bags Responsible?

Your dog wants to protect the planet too! Give ‘em the pleasure of dooing good with these delightful bags. Made from super strong 100% recycled plastic. Leak and tear resistant with easy tie handles. Total of 200 bags 2 rolls per pack 3L / 3 quart capacity Made in Portugal Carton is recyclable Complicated relationship with post officers

Raw Materials

Why recycled plastic?


Over 400 million tons of plastics are produced each year, and just a small fraction of them are turned into new items. That’s why we made these bags from 100% recycled materials. It’s plastic that other people have tossed, but we’re helping give it a second life. Woo doggy!

Why didn’t you make biodegradable poo bags?


Our pet’s waste contains parasites that may not be killed in household compost piles and the majority of compost facilities will actually not accept dog poo. As a result, most dog poop ends up in landfill. Landfills are designed to prevent biodegradation, because when materials do degrade in them, they produce more methane. Because of this, recycled plastic is the most sustainable option for these poo bags since it generates very minimal methane over long time periods. In contrast, compostable starch plastic bags have a large climate impact when put into landfills since they generate methane when they biodegrade, and should only be used when they end up at a compost facility.