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What makes Impact Assessment Responsible?

Our Impact Assessment service helps you understand how your organisation’s core business activities translate into meaningful positive outcomes for society and the planet. By using recognised frameworks such as IRIS+, SDGs, and the Impact Project Management Framework, we assess both the positive and negative impacts of your operations. This comprehensive approach allows you to strategically enhance your impact, reduce harm, and align with global sustainability goals. Our Impact Assessment Service Includes: • IRIS+ Framework: We leverage this leading impact measurement tool to evaluate the social, environmental, and financial outcomes of your business activities. This framework provides a standardised, rigorous approach to assess the effectiveness of your efforts in achieving measurable positive impact. • SDG Alignment: We assess your business activities in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), identifying where your operations contribute to these global objectives and where improvements can be made to maximise your alignment with the SDGs. • Impact Project Management Framework: Using this holistic framework, we map out your organisation’s core business activities to understand their direct and indirect impacts on society and the environment. We then identify ways to optimise positive outcomes while mitigating negative consequences. • A clear, data-driven understanding of how your business activities impact the planet and society, both positively and negatively, empowering you to make more informed decisions and align with best practices in impact management. • Strategic recommendations for enhancing positive impact and reducing negative effects, helping your business maximise its value while contributing to global sustainability goals. Our Impact Assessment service provides a comprehensive view of your organisation’s contributions to societal and environmental outcomes, helping you reduce harm and drive meaningful, positive change. By aligning your activities with recognised frameworks, you can optimise your impact, strengthen your ESG strategy, and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability in a measurable, effective way.