Reflex 100% Recycled White


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Reflex 100% Recycled White

What makes Reflex 100% Recycled White Responsible?

Reflex 100% Recycled White is high quality recycled paper that achieves excellent whiteness. It now features Ink Wise™ delivering a new standard in its print and paper performance. With Ink Wise™, Reflex paper now delivers sharper, more vibrant prints with absolutely no extra ink, toner or effort. It's also smoother and whiter than ever before. By choosing Australian made recycled paper you are directly helping to reduce the amount of waste paper going to local landfill, and by choosing Reflex you are helping to support over 5,000 Australian jobs. Always rely on Reflex. Sharper prints on laser and inkjet printers with no extra ink, toner or effort More defined blacks and vibrant colours A smoother and whiter sheet Quality double sided printing Made from 100% recycled paper FSC® Certified And of course, no paper jams Available in A4 and A3