Contract Manufacturing


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Contract Manufacturing

What makes Contract Manufacturing Responsible?

Planet Protector was the recipient of a $4.7m grant under the Modernising Manufacturing Initiative, funds that we have invested into establishing a new $15m plant that will reinstate sovereign manufacturing capability for the wool industry, as well as a vast range of other natural fibres for contract manufacturing. We would like to give back to our local business community and offer our services to other businesses trying to realise their sovereign manufacturing capability. This is the only facility of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, and we have capability to not only manufacture our award winning WOOLPACK insulated packaging but also support other Australian businesses, looking to on-shore their manufacturing. With the capability to process 150 tonnes of fibre each week, we’re able to support other businesses within the insulation, geotextile, bedding, and furnishing industries to manufacture locally and sustainably. We can process many types of fibre inputs from cotton and polyester to wool, hemp, jute, cellulose and even recycled textiles. Planet Protector is here to support other businesses in transforming their supply chains; and realising their ESG targets.