Safer Public Transport Users


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Safer Public Transport Users

What makes Safer Public Transport Users Responsible?

Safety concerns about using public transport at night can reduce the likelihood of people using it; instead opting to drive or to use taxis or Ubers. The Vivacity Plug 'n' Play solar light is designed to be fitted to the top of existing street poles, enabling public transport operators like Yarra Trams to quickly respond to community and staff concerns by improving lighting. The Vivacity Plug 'n' Play light does not need any licensed professional trades to install it; it is simply fitted to the top of existing poles and the brackets tightened. Using solar rechargeable batteries, within ten minutes wayfinding lighting can be fitted to poles at bus, tram and light-rail stops, or through parks and in other public spaces. By fixing lighting issues, more people will feel safe when considering using public transport at night.