Eco Smart Off-Grid Kitchen

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Eco Smart Off-Grid Kitchen

What makes Eco Smart Off-Grid Kitchen Responsible?

Our kitchen represents the future in kitchen design and has been purposed for maximum efficiency and seamless customer experience. Its minimalist functionality forward design features sashless windows, giving the community a full sensory experience. Historically, takeaway has been a waste-filled, environmentally destructive industry but Solisium and atiyah are looking to revolutionise that history and show there’s an alternative future. Rainwater System The kitchen utilises 100% of rainwater captured from the roof via an internal downpipe. This collected rainwater is then treated using advanced UV light and micron- filters to ensure all impurities are removed and water is fit for consumption. Energy System Integrated smart technology and cloud-based monitoring enables the kitchen to achieve our commitment to sustainability and zero carbon emissions. The kitchen draws all its power requirements from a standalone solar and energy storage solution. Portable System Due to four extendable hydraulic legs and a set of eight wheels, the kitchen can be moved and operated almost anywhere in the world.

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