Sustainable Water Management
To achieve sustainable water management within a water catchment context, we are leading the way with certification to the global Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) framework.
The ‘Free From’ foods category is no longer solely driven by those with food allergies or dietary intolerances, but also by those who are wanting to make healthier lifestyle choices. Ingham’s Gluten Free range allows you to cater to this growing sector of consumers with versatile, and easy to prepare products. Consumers are becoming more and more demanding of transparency when it comes to ethics and sustainability of the brands they purchase from. At Ingham’s sustainability and animal welfare are at the forefront of our priorities, aligning our business with organisations whose key focus is on animal welfare such as The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), and The Free Range Egg and Poultry Australia. This ensures that our standards are best practice, and you can rest assured you’re providing your customers with a product they can trust.
To achieve sustainable water management within a water catchment context, we are leading the way with certification to the global Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) framework.