The ultimate ESG and CSR program for you!


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The ultimate ESG and CSR program for you!

What makes The ultimate ESG and CSR program for you! Responsible?

DV Safe Phone has been established to provide a safe phone to victims of domestic, sexual and family violence in our community. It has also proven to be one of the most simple, yet impactful ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility programs in existence! By participating in our program, companies can raise awareness of the issue of domestic violence and fulfil their environmental, social and governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) obligations. You can participate by providing financial support or by donating your unused mobile phones. Additionally, companies can also participate by promoting and raising awareness of the program within their own communities, and encouraging their employees to get involved. Partnering with DV Safe Phone can promote multiple social and environmental goals, while making a real impact in the lives of those in need. Join us in our mission to provide a safe phone for every victim of domestic violence in Australia. Partnering with DV Safe Phone will make a real impact, with measurable outcomes in the following areas 1. You're helping protect the lives of domestic and family violence survivors, through the supply of FREE mobile phones that form part of their safety/escape planning. 2. Engage your teams in something that really matters. When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home. DV Safe Phone is a grass-roots charity that has measurable outcomes and a heart-felt mission. 3. A Domestic and Family Violence policy in your workplace is now mandatory in Australia. We can help you raise the topic of domestic and family violence with your teams in a non-triggering way, starting with the importance of a working mobile phone in a victims' escape plan. Partner with us and have your teams involved in phone collection days, fundraising events and even volunteer days. 4. E-waste in Australia is at record levels and the environmental impacts are off the charts. Partnering with DV Safe Phone will ensure you can make a big difference to the disposal of old mobile phones in Australia. We test all phones and give the working ones to victims of domestic violence. Any phones that don't work will be used for parts or recycle through an official e-waste recycling program. Does your organisation have mobile phone fleets that you no longer need? Would you like to give these old devices a new life? 5. IT Security is a concern shared by all corporations big and small. No-one wants the contents of their phones spilled out to the internet. Do your old company phones get checked a second time before they're released into the general public? We individually reset and check every phone we receive, so it's another level of security check for you and peace of mind for your IT staff.

Raw Materials

Support a circular economy & human welfare


Our program also supports the circular economy by promoting re-use and recycling of old phones, which helps to reduce electronic waste and conserve resources. Additionally, it supports environmental, social, and governance objectives by addressing issues related to human resources, volunteer days, domestic violence awareness, security, and government policy adherence.

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