Urinal Cleaner & Deoderiser


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Urinal Cleaner & Deoderiser

What makes Urinal Cleaner & Deoderiser Responsible?

Safely cleans and deodorises all urinal surfaces including: Porcelain, fibreglass, chrome, brass, stainless steel, tiles, concrete. Can be poured into drains. The enzymes in our Urinal Cleaner and Deodoriser break down odours into their basic elements. Carbon, hydrogen and other elements readily integrate with the environment instead of polluting it. Even mineral buildups like calcium and lime simply fall apart when our enzymes break down the organic ‘glue’ that holds it in place. Plus, our enzymes completely remove odours, leaving the room smelling fresh and truly clean without strong fragrances.

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Raw Materials

Enzyme cleaners are PH neutral and low on environmental impact, since the only by-products are water and CO2. Free of harsh chemicals, enzymes are readily biodegradable.

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