Swedish Dish Cloths


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Swedish Dish Cloths

What makes Swedish Dish Cloths Responsible?

Check out our new plastic free compostable Swedish Dish Cloths! They work hard for a cute little cloth to keep your place brilliantly clean, benchtops streak-free, and pots and pans spick & span. No nylon, polyester and polyurethane to see here! Say yes to 100% natural fibres and no to microplastics down the drain with these ultra-absorbent, perfect cloths for cleaning dishes, bathrooms or glass. With ultra-absorbing super powers (up to 15 times their weight), these Dish Cloths are super handy in the kitchen to wash dishes, clean up spills and wipe down bench tops. They're also fab for cleaning bathrooms and glass as they don't leave surface fibres after wiping. Each cloth should last 6-8 weeks before it's ready for composting. To get extra-long life out of your Dish Cloths, wash them now and then in the dishwasher or washing machine.

Raw Materials4

We're made from 100% natural fibres

Raw Materials

Say yes to 100% natural fibres and no to microplastics down the drain.

We're biodegradable


Each cloth is 100% biodegradable and compostable.

Ingredients: Water based coloured printing

Raw Materials

The cloths are printed with water-based colors, the color contains approximately 80-85 % water and the other ingredients that are used to mix the color (eg pigments, color base and so on) are all approved according to the European REACH legislation.

Ingredients: 30% Waste Cotton

Raw Materials

Waste cotton is cotton combers; a by-product of the yarn spinning industry when cotton is combed to remove short fibres. These cotton combers would normally be considered waste however they are now being found new uses, like our Swedish dishcloths. and the cotton that is used is waste cotton (the cotton combers which are too short to be used in the textile industry).

Ingredients: Cellulose (70%)

Raw Materials

Cellulose is plant fibres sourced from wood pulp. The cellulose in these cloths comes from a FSC certified forest.

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