Foundation Member | Tracking Since June 2022

TEMPUR Sustainability Actions

Wildflower meadow creates diverse habitats

We’ve recently planted a meadow of local wildflowers at our production facility in Denmark to help provide vital habitats for the insect population. Wildflowers offer food sources to bees and butterflies which are vital for pollinating food crops. We’ve since received messages of thanks from local beekeepers.

Preserving nature

Waste management efforts in our US wholly-owned manufacturing facilities saved the equivalent of 69,000 trees and over 28 million gallons of water in 2020.

Reuse, recycle, repurpose

Our Danish manufacturing facilities are working together with a number of partners, including the Danish Technological Institute and several other Danish companies, to deliver an innovative program called ‘RePURpose’ which aims to find new ways to reuse and recycle polyurethane (one of the key ingredients in our TEMPUR ® Material).

Global tracking and benchmarking

During 2020, we began tracking our electricity usage, water usage, and carbon emissions at all our manufacturing facilities and distribution centres. This allows us to create baselines, adopt target reduction goals, and implement programmes to reduce energy consumption and emissions across the business. In 2020, our Danish plant reduced annual emissions by over 10,000 metric tonnes of CO2 – the equivalent of 2,242 cars being driven for a year! In 2021, we are now transitioning to third-party World Resources Institute-certified accounting of emissions to help us measure and benchmark our progress. Using these recognised standards ensures we are presenting a true and fair account of our emissions.

Renewable energy and ensuring efficient use

100% of the electricity used in TEMPUR® UK head office will come from renewable sources from July 2021. We’ve invested in solar power for our largest mattress manufacturing operation in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the first half of 2021. Our facility in Estonia already gets over 20% of its energy from solar panels, helping to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. In 2020, we started transitioning to energy-saving LED lighting in all of our production and assembly facilities worldwide. Our Danish production factory is ISO 50.001 certified – this is an international standard which recognises businesses who have taken steps to enhance their energy performance. It was awarded thanks to our new energy management system designed to reduce consumption and increase efficiencies.

Creating long-lasting products

All TEMPUR® mattresses have a 10-year lifespan, meaning they need replacing less frequently. We’re always looking for new ways to repurpose or upcycle. We offer easy upgrade options – you can replace the top cover of your mattress to give it a new lease of life and make it last longer. The covers on TEMPUR® mattresses and pillows can be separated from the foam core so they can enter separate recycling streams. Our mattresses’ foam cores are made up of 3-4 layers from materials of the same origin to enable better recyclability. When our mattresses reach their end of life, the polyurethane foam can be cleaned and shredded for use in carpet underlay, insulation panels, car seats and boxing pads. And we are continuously searching for more ways to utilise our unique material.

Optimising waste management

Our European manufacturing facilities have already achieved zero landfill and are recycling up to 80% of all waste, well ahead of our target! Globally, our offices and warehouses are also focusing on reducing landfill waste – right now, we’re gathering baseline measurements and developing targets to improve waste streams and waste management best practices. Zero landfill from TEMPUR® UK warehouse operations since 2019. All general waste in TEMPUR® UK stores and Head Office to be segregated and recycled (where possible) by the end of 2022. In 2020, we implemented a pilot program in two of our European manufacturing facilities to optimise waste management processes. The program will be deployed to both facilities in 2021.

Increasing recyclability

We are a member of the Australian Bedding Stewardship Council. We’re in talks with mattress recyclers worldwide to identify potential opportunities for used foams - and gain important learnings for future product development of more sustainable components. The brown boxes our mattresses come in are made from up to 78% recycled fibres. In the Australia we’re on track to complete a sustainability audit of all external product suppliers and set packaging sustainability goals by the end of 2023 to ensure a sustainable supply chain.

End-of-life recycling service

Through our Dreams subsidiary’s operations, we offer our customers a recycling service that they can elect to use once they are ready to dispose of their mattress. Through this program, the reclaimed mattresses are broken down, and each component is recycled or used in energy generation.

Ethics & Diversity

We continue to implement and foster initiatives to increase diversity and inclusiveness in our leadership and broader workforce. We have a diverse global workforce that includes a range of skillsets, perspectives, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and qualifications. As an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer, we are committed to providing opportunities to all employees and applicants, and prohibiting discrimination and harassment. In line with our strategic objectives, our board of directors demonstrate attributes and experience conducive to representing the best interests of our stockholders, including a range of skill sets, perspectives, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and qualifications. See our attached Corporate Social Values Report for more information.

What do our labels mean?

2024 Transparency Award Finalist Logo

2024 Transparency Award Finalist

ABSC Member Logo

ABSC Member

FSC 100% Certified Logo

FSC 100% Certified

OEKO-TEX Standard 100 Logo

OEKO-TEX Standard 100




  • Status
  • Industry
  • Consumer Goods