Sri Lanka Climate Fund

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Sri Lanka Climate Fund Sustainability Profile

Driving Sri Lanka towards Carbon Neutral and Climate Resilient Blue Green Economy

The Sri Lanka Climate Fund (Pvt) Ltd is a government owned company established under the companies’ Act No.7 of 2007 of Sri Lanka. Functioning under Ministry of Mahaweli Development & Environment, it does provide a series of environmental services for both public and private sector. Up to 2016, company was known as Sri Lanka Carbon Fund (Pvt) Ltd and as operation, widens, to attribute a more value and recognition, the name was changed into Sri Lanka Climate Fund (Pvt) Ltd.

About Sri Lanka Climate Fund

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  • Unverified

Sri Lanka Climate Fund Services

The Sri Lanka Climate Fund specialises in climate resilience planning and offers expert advice on carbon markets and ETFs, helping businesses navigate and capitalise on these areas. They also provide services for carbon credits and offsetting, enabling companies to meet sustainability goals and reduce their carbon footprint effectively.

Serviceable Locations: Sri Lanka

About Sri Lanka Climate Fund

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  • Unverified

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