
Foundation Member | Tracking Since February 2022

Safcol Sustainability Actions

Safcol signs up with APCO to reduce packaging waste

Safcol is taking action to improve the recovery of packaging at end-of-life and increase the use of reusable packaging, working with the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisations (APCO). Safcol has diverted waste going to landfills by 392 tonnes, through plastic and cardboard recycling and food waste to compost. Safcol aspires to a 5% increase in landfill reduction to 411 tonnes by 2025

Protecting Marine Species and Tuna Stocks for the future

Safcol realises that the ocean is our business, and if we overfish tuna stocks and in the process destroy other marine life, we are destroying our own source of income. That is why we changed the way we fish, and have continued to lead the way in responsible fishing. We work closely with fishing vessels that catch our fish and do not purchase from any illegal fishing vessels.

FAD free fishing helps protect marine species

Fish Aggregating Devices also known as Fish Attracting Devices or 'FADs' for short cause destruction to marine life, when coupled with huge purseine nets, hauling up other species like turtles, and rays in the tuna catch. The combination of net fishing and FADs is what destroys our ocean life. Safcol does not use this deadly combination, we believe in fishing responsibly.

Safcol partners with Clean Up Australia

Safcol No Net Tuna is a proud partner of Clean Up Australia. For every can of No Net Tuna sold, we contribute 5 cents towards Clean Up Australia, helping the iconic Aussie charity provide free resources and materials to communities, schools and youth groups all year round, supporting Australians everywhere to clean up, fix up and conserve the environment.

Safcol Website is CO2 Neutral

Safcol Australia participates in the climate initiative "CO2 neutral websites" in partnership with the Danish Government. The carbon emissions from both the website and the users of the website have been neutralised by the building of new renewable energy sources.

Safcol supports local fishermen and the Australian fishing industry

Australia has a very well regulated fishing industry and the Safcol Seafood Market in South Australia, assist local fishermen to sell their stocks. We asist them to get a good price for their catch. By supporting local industry Safcol is growing our economy sustainably.

We Partnered with Greenpeace in 2011

We worked with Greenpeace to launch Responsible Fishing into Australian supermarkets with the launch of our Pole and Line caught tuna range. We have subsequently changed the canned tuna market in Australia.

Safcol Canned Fish Gains ISSF Certification

Safcol canned fish products are certified by the International Sustainable Seafood Foundation (ISSF). ISSF is committed to the long-term conservation and sustainable use of global tuna fisheries. Safcol has always taken pride in being able to trace its fish from ship to shelf. Safcol knows which boats catch its tuna, where they catch it, and what methods they use. Safcol’s supplier factories operate under strict government guidelines under the auspices of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency. An integral aspect of the company's operations are to ensure the sustainability of the ocean.

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems Certification

Safcol complies with the requirements of 14001:2015 certification for the processing of canned and pouched seafood. ISO 14001:2015 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organisation can use to enhance its environmental performance. ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use by an organisation seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.

What do our labels mean?

5c Donated to Clean Up Australia Logo

5c Donated to Clean Up Australia

APCO Member Logo

APCO Member

ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System Logo

ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System

MSC Certified Logo

MSC Certified

About Safcol

  • Status
  • Country
  • Australia