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PURINA Sustainability Profile

Purina is dedicated to enhancing the lives of pets and the people who love them while conscientiously acknowledging the significance of our shared planet. With an ambitious vision guiding their sustainability journey, Purina pledges to develop pet food packaging solutions that prioritize the environment. By setting a bold target of ensuring all their pet food packaging is 100% reusable or recyclable by 2025, Purina leads the pet care industry towards a more sustainable future. Recognizing that 78% of their current packaging is already designed to be recyclable, they continue to innovate and collaborate to close the gap towards a waste-free future.


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PURINA Sustainability Actions

Recycling Advancement

Purina has developed The Flexible Plastic Fund, which is a significant step towards enhancing UK's recycling infrastructure. They've established flexible plastic recycling points across the UK, enabling owners to responsibly dispose of their pet food packaging.

Recyclable Packaging

Purina’s commitment to sustainability is evident with 78% of their packaging designed to be recyclable, including steel and aluminum cans with paper labels, printed paper bags, and certain plastic bags, where local infrastructure permits recycling.

PURINA Sustainability Commitments


Sustainable Packaging

Purina is steadfast in their commitment to ensure all pet food packaging is 100% reusable or recyclable by the year 2025, actively working towards a waste-free future.


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Sustainable Development Goals

PURINA is committed to advancing these Global Goals to promote prosperity for people & planet.



This information references https://www.purina.co.uk/ and was sourced on 30/11/2023. Is this your business? Suggest an edit