Polar Enviro

Member | Tracking Since August 2024

Polar Enviro Sustainability Commitments


Australia's largest user of Australian recycled-glass for coloured safety surfacing acquired

We acquired Australia's largest user of Australian crushed recycled-glass for coloured safety surfacing, adding it to our portfolio of brands offering road and building environmental and safety solutions. Using OmniGrip Direct's recycled-glass safety surfaces reduces the use of short-lived paint industry products, delivering compliant long-life hard-wearing surfaces that are safer for all road users.


Developed world's best battery-free Exit Sign range

We vowed to create the world's best battery-free Exit Sign, breaking the back of an industry that has distributed tens of millions of failure prone batteries across Australia. In fact, the industry is based on those batteries failing so more Exit Signs can be sold. The Smarterlite range of Environmental Exit Signs eliminates all those batteries and their associated eWaste and plastic waste. That's why Smarterlite's Exit Signs are known as Smarterlite Environmental Exit Signs.


Achieve independent Compliance Certification for OmniGrip CST and OmniGrip HF

We wanted to be the first organisation to have our surfaces assessed for compliance with specifications used nationally; proving their long-life to our customers. The Transport Infrastructure Product Evaluation Scheme (TIPES), administered by the National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO), showed that OmniGrip CST, made from Australian crushed recycled-glass, and OmniGrip HF, were still compliant after 5-years of use on public roads. At the time of the assessment, no other surface treatment had been assessed and achieved this result. On-site testing was completed by the National Transport Research Organisation and CSIRO. By proving compliance with Queensland's specifications, which were functionally the same as those in NSW and Victoria, OmniGrip Direct set a high bar for the industry to follow. In fact, the assessment process found locations where OmniGrip HF was still compliant after nearly 18 years use on arterial roads in Melbourne!


Have a Smarterlite Exit Sign included in the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program and NSW Energy Saving Scheme

We wanted to demonstrate that Smarterlite's Environmental Exit Signs were best-in-class in terms of energy efficiency; hence our successful assessment of the Hyperion model's energy use and our application for it to be an approved product. Following inclusion in the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program (VEU), it was successfully included in the NSW Energy Saving Scheme (NSW ESS) enabling carbon credits to be awarded for compliant building lighting upgrades in accordance with each scheme's rules.


Net Zero in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2050

We are committed to being Net Zero in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2050 and working actively to reduce our Scope 3 emissions over time. We will continue to develop and refine our low-to-no-carbon and more circular products to help break the take, make and waste model of the past.

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