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oOh! Sustainability Profile

oOh!media is an eco-responsible organisation actively reducing its environmental impact towards a green future

A champion of sustainable business practices, oOh!’s low-carbon activities have a flow-on effect across all its programs, initiatives and networks. 9 in 10 Australian consumers and businesses are concerned about environmental sustainability, only half feel they are doing enough. With consumers turning to brands to help them make positive changes towards protecting the environment, oOh! Street can help advertisers reduce their footprint on emissions.

About oOh!

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oOh! Services

oOh! provides sustainable marketing and advertising services, enabling advertisers to lower their emissions footprint. As a leader in sustainable practices, oOh! supports businesses in reaching environmentally conscious consumers, thus aligning their advertising efforts with consumer demand for eco-friendly and responsible brand actions.

Serviceable Locations: Australia

oOh! Sustainability Actions

Energy Uses

Ooh! Has and continues to implement national energy initiatives for the reduction of energy usage with out-of-home street furniture and advertising assets. Energy reduction initiatives include: - Solar energy usage with more than 28% of oOh! assets fully operational solar-powered sites, representing a significant alternative energy sector of oOh!'s asset portfolio. oOh! will continue to assess installation and renewal of solar generating sites - oOh!’s ‘Smarter connections’ extends to our strategic sustainable, safety and wellbeing approach to OOH, with our digital advertising continually managed and monitored remotely thus reducing the physical presence required as with traditional forms of street advertising. This in turn reduces the infield risk to workers on roadside locations. Reduced reliance on physical material such as paper products for printed advertising is a goal for reduction in paper and ink usage.

Waste Reduction

Reuse: Wherever possible oOh! applies a ‘reuse’ principle, for example where Polycarbonate products are used for light box advertising panels that may over time be subject to marking or scratching, we remove and replace damaged polycarbonate panels with resurfaced polycarbonate panels that have been through a precision polishing process to removes scratches and blemishes. This ensures the potential lifecycle of these panels are fully utilized and reused throughout the product’s life cycle. Repurpose: Current recycle technology precludes the ability for oOh! to recycle the safety glass used in our street furniture. In order to prevent this product being deposited in landfill we have partnered with Suez Australia in a glass reuse pilot project. It involves repurposing shattered safety glass for use in road base construction products. The environmental benefits of this pilot project are: - Finding a use for a currently non-recyclable glass product - Reducing by-product landfill waste disposal. - This project is being extended nationally to achieve a target of zero glass waste disposal. Recycle: An end of product life recycling approach is used with all oOh! products that can no longer be reused. oOh!’s national recycle programs includes steel and aluminium recycling and our national paper and poster-recycling program.

Water Use

Ionic cleaning system: in 2015, we completed the final stage of a three-year program to deploy an ionic water cleaning system. Following the national implementation of this system we continue to use deionized and purified water in conjunction with a low-pressure cleaning system. The benefits include: - Eliminating the need for, and use of, cleaning detergents - Significantly reducing our national water consumption by replacing high pressure with low pressure water cleaning - Minimising water runoff into storm water systems.

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About oOh!

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  • Marketing & Advertising

oOh! Sustainability News

oOh!media takes green approach to global OOH campaign

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This information references https://oohmedia.com.au/sustainability/, oOh! Small Format Street Sustainability - 10.11.21.pptx and was sourced on 11/11/2021. Is this your business? Suggest an edit