
Foundation Member | Tracking Since February 2024

Moonshadow Sustainability Actions

Social and Environmental Responsibility

We require all of our suppliers to abide by our standards in relation to human rights, environmental and ethical business practices and uphold the principles within the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) which we abide by. As we do, all our suppliers and partners must have a formal policy that outlines their approach to managing environmental impacts within their control. They must comply with local and national laws related to environmental standards and adhere to the principles set out by the Greenpeace Detox Movement which is committed to a toxic free future for people and the environment by the removal of hazardous chemicals from the entire production process for household textiles, garment textiles and footwear.

Recyclable Consumer Packaging

As a member of APCO (the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation) we have committed to move all our consumer facing packaging, where possible from PEVA bags, to 100% recyclable cardboard no later than during 2025. We have already made the first steps on this journey, with new packaging having begun rolling out in 2023. This packaging is not only 100% recyclable, but it is also made from at least 50% recycled materials and features the ARL (Australian Recycling Label) to easily communicate disposal methods.

Sustainable Design Approach

By highlighting sustainability as important in our business this has fed into everything we do. This includes designing our building to reduce and improve our sustainable footprint wherever possible. Small examples of this include, laying the factory out to facilitate natural lighting to reduce reliance on electricity, utilising rapid-open/close roller doors to naturally manage air flow and temperature regulation, and using a lean approach to operations which leads to a more efficient flow of goods, and in turn saving electricity. We believe that making incremental changes can make a significant difference as little things add up

Solar Power at our Head Office and Manufacturing Facility

In March 2020 we moved our Melbourne head office, manufacturing and warehousing facilities at the time to solar energy. In late 2021, we moved to our new state-of-the-art facilities where we were unable to install solar energy straight away. It was a requirement that we monitor the power output of our new machinery for a period of time to ensure the right system could be put into place to cover our needs. The 1st of May 2022 we were able to make the switch, and are pleased to report that since then, to the 15th of December 2024 we have saved the equivalent of 101 tonnes of CO2 emissions. That is the equivalent of 406,917km not driven in a car expelling CO2 or 2600 trees planted to use up the CO2 emitted.

Internal Recycling

We have a number of different recycling bins across our office and manufacturing facility that are used to efficiently sort and manage our waste. These bins are then regularly collected by our appointed waste services provider for recycling. We also re-use where possible, cardboard cartons across manufacturing, storage and distribution.

Adoption of AMR - Paperless Pick Pack

Our state-of-the-art new operations facility features AMR (Autonomous mobile robots). Used in the process of picking customer orders, these have reduced the need for paper based picking slips, significantly reducing our paper usage. December 2024, has seen our AMR system further adapted to allow for the storing and dispatch of not only single products but products in carton quantities. Further reducing material consumption of packaging materials and contributing to a more sustainable and efficient operation.

Heropacks - Eco-Conscious Mailers

For all online orders, where appropriate, we are distributing them using Heropacks. These eco-conscious mailers are made from home-compostable materials such as corn starch and PBAT. Taking 90-120 days to break in your home or backyards compost heap. Just remove any labels and cut them up. What happens if they end up in landfill? “In a home-compost, HEROPACK mailers take 90 days to break down. As most landfills are deprived of oxygen, all materials ending up in landfill do not degrade as intended, including our compostable products. Due to the nature of the landfill process, this will add to methane production. If a landfill is exposed to oxygen, then our home-compostable materials with degrade much faster than other materials. In contrast, traditional plastic shipping mailers (including recycled plastic mailers) take 400 years or more to break down, and still release deadly methane gas into the atmosphere. The bottom line is that encouraging businesses and households to compost is on of the best solutions against fighting climate change.”

Electric Forklifts - Reduce our Consumption of Fossil Fuels

We use electric forklifts in our manufacturing facility to help us reduce our consumption of fossil fuels and be environmentally friendly. They also mean no exhaust fumes for a cleaner, healthier working environment.

Business Clean Up Day

Highlighting sustainability as an important metric in our business has fed into everything we do. This includes taking up actions that supports sustainability initiatives on local and regional level. Clean Up Australia “inspires and empowers communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment” with more than 20 million Aussies having participated in events over the past three decades. Sleep Corp® was proud to have become a part of Clean Up Australia in 2022 . Annually upwards of 60 Sleep Corp team members joining to “step up and clean up”, removing the rubbish and other waste pollutants from our local environment to help reduce the waste that accumulates each year. Our focus on a local creek and park, that is used as a lunch or walking spot by many who work in our area. Interstate team members working on cleaning up an area local to them. To find out more about Clean Up Australia, and how you can be involved visit:

What do our labels mean?

APCO Member Logo

APCO Member

OEKO-TEX Standard 100 Logo

OEKO-TEX Standard 100

About Moonshadow

  • Status
  • Employees
  • 25 - 100
  • Industry
  • Textiles
  • Country
  • Australia
  • Founded
  • 2019