Lendlease Group

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Lendlease Group Sustainability Profile

Lendlease Group is not currently tracking sustainability.

Lendlease Group is a multinational construction and property development company. They are committed to creating sustainable and resilient communities through their various projects and initiatives. As a leader in the industry, Lendlease focuses on delivering innovative and environmentally responsible solutions. For more information about Lendlease and their work, please visit their website at https://www.lendlease.com.

About Lendlease Group

  • Status
  • Unverified

Lendlease Group Sustainability Actions

At the moment, we do not have any specific information about Lendlease Group's sustainability actions or initiatives. We encourage representatives from Lendlease to claim their profile and provide us with the necessary details. If you are a representative of Lendlease, please reach out to us to update your profile and share your sustainability reports.

Lendlease Group Sustainability Commitments

Currently, we do not have any information about Lendlease Group's sustainability commitments. We invite Lendlease to claim their profile and provide us with their sustainability plans and goals. Representatives from Lendlease can reach out to us to update their profile and share their commitment reports.

Lendlease Group Partnerships

Lendlease Group's partnerships in the sustainability realm are not available at this time. We would like to invite Lendlease to claim their profile and share information about their collaborations and partnerships related to sustainability, ESG, and CSR. If you are a representative of Lendlease, please reach out to us to update your profile and provide the details of your sustainability partnerships.

About Lendlease Group

  • Status
  • Unverified

Sustainable Development Goals

Lendlease Group's alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals is yet to be provided. Representatives from Lendlease are invited to claim their profile and share information about their engagement with the UN SDGs. If you are a representative of Lendlease, please reach out to us to update your profile and indicate how your organization supports the UN SDGs.

Lendlease Group Recommends

Currently, we do not have any information about Lendlease Group's sustainability-focused products. We invite Lendlease representatives to provide us with details about their sustainable products and services. If you are a representative of Lendlease, please reach out to us to update your profile and share information about your sustainable offerings.

This information references https://www.lendlease.com and was sourced on 19/07/2023. Is this your business? Suggest an edit