Green Moves

Foundation Member | Tracking Since March 2023

Green Moves Sustainability Actions

Targeting Net Zero by 2025

We are on track to reach Net Zero by 2025. We are now Net Zero for our Scope 1 and 2 emissions (achieved through applying energy efficiency strategies, 100% accredited green power and electric vehicle charged off 100% accredited green power). Currently working through reducing our scope 3 emissions where possible noting that we are a small business and our influence on large companies is minimal. Actions undertaken to date are listed sepately below, we will be transitioning our telecoms to a carbon neutral provider during FY 2025 which is the last thing at this stage we think we can do. Saying that, we will continue to seek new ways to reduce emissions on an ongoing basis.

Actions to achieve Net Zero and reduce emissions

Green Moves has been working on reducing emissions since 2019, to date we have: > Upgraded all equipment to highly efficient type (eg LED lighting, laptop computers, high energy star rated screens, small efficient printer). > Upgraded our heating / cooling to high efficiency reverse cycle unit. > We turn everything off when not in use. > We do not print anything unless we have to and minimise paper use. Now using less than 1 ream of certified carbon-neutral paper per year. > All our team work from home offices, so no staff commute. > Any required business travel is done as sustainably as possible (ie using company EV or public transport) > If and when we need air travel, flights are carbon offset through reputable certified carbon-neutral products and services. > We've minimised our waste by reducing waste in the office, using reusable cups and utensils, and recycling everything we can. We currently have 6 waste streams that are properly recycled. > Although we're a small business we are asking our key suppliers for their sustainability credentials. > Our main subcontractors' emissions are measured and now included in our Carbon Inventory and certification. All use 100% accredited green power, and three of four drive EVs when working for Green Moves.

Certified Carbon Neutral for our business operations by Climate Active since 2020

Green Moves has been certified carbon neutral for its business operations since 2020 and will continue to certify into the forseable future. Our Public Disclosure Statements are available online at the Climate Active website Green Moves page at this link here

Certified B Corporation since 2015

Green Moves was one of the founding B Corp members in Australia and has maintained certification. We are pleased to have recertified in December 2024. You can see details of our certification here

Upgraded company vehicle to 100% Electric

In December 2022 we upgraded our company car to an EV for all business vehicle travel including onsite assessment works. This removes our scope 1 fossil fuel use and assists us towards net zero emissions. It's charged from our onsite solar and 100% Green Power.

Switched to 100% Accredited Green Power

For the energy we use that is not covered by our onsite solar PV system, since 2020 we purchase the remaining energy as 100% green power from our provider.

Community Pro Bono work

We regularly volunteer our services and eduction sessions through varous community groups including RePower Mornington, Village Zero Sandringham, Bayside Climate Crisis Action Group and Electrify Boroondara to name a few. Over the past 2 years we have participated on 3 panels, presented 9 webinars, held 4 face to face sessions and provided free advice and guidance. On average we deliver over 10 free sessions a year to the public.

Industry-based Pro Bono work

Since our inception Green Moves has volunteered significant time to industry and government panels and committees providing experienced advice and guidance on residential, commercial and industry education for the sectors. Past involvement includes participating in the national training skills panel to update assessor industry education qualifications and input into government residential efficiency rating tool development and trials. We are currently working with the Residential Energy Efficiency Disclosure Initiative (REEDI), a Commonwealth government committee operating since 2022, focused on bringing suitable policies and tools to the market to facilitate disclosure of residential property energy efficiency and providing feedback into the NatHERs Existing Home tool development, accreditation training and skill set requirements.

Educating small businesses on energy efficiency

Green Moves has provided several business community energy efficiency education sessions to help small and medium businesses to identify simple ways to reduce energy consumption, waste and save on energy costs. In May 2024 we presented an event tailored for businesses in Melbourne's western suburbs which was hosted by Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action (WAGA). There are more sessions scheduled for later in 2024.

Community Energy Hero Training

Green Moves provided training and education to a team of over 20 local community members to become local Energy Heros in Mornington Peninsula. Energy Heros are local people who, with this training, can help point other community members in the right direction when it comes to sustainable practices, energy efficiency and renovations in their homes.

Bayside Built Environment Awards: on panel of judges

Green Moves has been on the panel of judges for these awards in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2023 and 2024. The awards aim to raise community awareness and understanding of the built environment, recognise quality outcomes and promote a better urban environment within Bayside. Green Moves' focus is on judging the best sustainable building category. This recognises a response to the climate emergency and the growing need for sustainable development, setting standards for others to follow. The Awards did not run during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we did not judge in 2018 as our Founder's property was competing for an award.

Supporting Electrify Boroondara

Green Moves attended and participated in a discussion panel at this hugely successful expo in 2023. The expo, held at the Hawthorn Arts Centre, reached over 1200 attendees interested in electrification and energy efficiency within the Boroondara community. Attendees learned about electrifying their homes, could test an eBike and discovered more about electric vehicles. Green Moves spent the day providing free advice and guidance to attendees. This was followed up with a presentation where we presented on 'Easy and affordable ways to reduce your energy bills'. We will continue to support Electrify Boroondara into the future.

Carried out fully-funded energy assessments for local SMEs in Bayside

We recently partnered with Village Zero and Bayside City Council offering five grant funded energy assessments to local businesses in the area. The assessments identified tailored and simple energy saving opportunities to assist them to reducing their business' energy costs in practical ways. We helped these businesses reduce energy bills by an overall average of 38% with some very simple, and often no cost, changes.

Presented at the Bayside Home Energy Efficiency Expo 2023

Green Moves was invited to this expo as a keynote presenter and to participate in sessions that were running during the expo. We shared information with over 500 residents in the Bayside community. Attendees wanted to learn about sustainability topics including climate action, reducing energy bills, getting off gas, solar and batteries, and electric vehicles.

Collaborated with Moonee Valley City Council to provide funded solar site assessments for local businesses

Local businesses and commercial landlords in Moonee Valley had the opportunity to get independent advice on the benefits of solar, including a solar site assessment with solar quotes organised by Green Moves. This was in partnership with the Moonee Valley City Council during the 2024 financial year.

Presented 'A Home For All Seasons' at Red Hill in collaboration with Repower Mornington Peninsula

In July and November 2024, Green Moves was invited to present to the local community at Red Hill. Our presentation focussed on how to make your home more energy efficient and comfortable for all seasons. This was in collaboration with Repower Mornington Peninsula, who organised the event and was the latest of several free events we have delivered for this community group over the past 2 years.

Partner with Village Zero to maximise our collaborative impact on sustainability

We volunteer and have partnered with Village Zero, an association of a passionate group of locals in Sandringham working together to address climate change. Our collaborative efforts mean we can maximise our impact in reaching and engaging householders and businesses in the local community. We regularly provide education, advice, and services for government grant funded services. We presented at the Village Zeros launch event aiming to help local Sandringham businesses and households learn how to reduce emissions. This event had approximately 50 attendees.

Free online event: The Ultimate Guide to Home Improvements for Comfort, Efficiency and Excellence in Service Quality

This free webinar in July 2024 was open to all, organised in collaboration with Evitat, an organisation focusing on making homes sustainable for a liveable, regenerative future. Green Moves presented at this webinar where attendees learned about the benefits of the Residential Efficiency Scorecard and building thermal efficiency, how to reduce energy bills and carbon footprint, how to enhance home comfort and livability, and how to increase sustainable home value and sellability. Panellists include representatives from Enviroflex Insulation Specialists, Green Building Institute, Evitat and Green Moves.

'Introduction to solar and batteries' workshop

We ran this 2-hour workshop to a full house of attendees in August 2024 at the Eco Living Display Centre on the Mornington Peninsula. The workshop covered the basics of selecting a solar and/or battery system that works for you. Green Moves shared our knowledge and expertise in the workshop with the local community.

'How to create a healthy home' webinar

In August 2023, Green Moves was invited by the Mornington City Council to present 1.5-hour webinar on how to create a healthy home. The webinar aimed to educate, engage and inspire members of the community to create healthier, more energy-efficient and comfortable homes.

Co-authored 'The Smart Living Handbook'

Green Moves Founder, Danielle King, co-authored The Smart Living Handbook: Creating a healthy home in an increasingly toxic world. You’ll discover how to create a beautiful home for your family that’s functional, energy-efficient and supports good health. Great if you’re renovating or building, a parent or expecting a baby, suffering from asthma, allergies or poor health, and wanting to create a healthy lifestyle. The book is available on Amazon.

Contributing to news, podcasts, media articles over the years

Since 2009, Green Moves has been and continues to contribute to green building and energy efficiency articles for The Age, ReNew and Sanctuary magazines, Street News, and other local and national publications including the news, as requested. We contribute to the media so that we can continue to raise awareness and share our knowledge with our communities through various channels.

Supporting Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) & Greenpeace

Green Moves is deeply passionate about the environment. Every year, we commit to supporting two charities and their efforts to protect nature and wildlife. In 2024, we donate to the ACF and Greenpeace every month.

Member of Design Matters National

As a member, Green Moves participates in industry representation panels with state and federal bodies. We share our expertise in sustainable, environmental and energy-efficient design and assessments in the residential sector. Over the past two years, we have been working with Design Matters National and NatHERS teams, providing them with feedback for the upcoming NatHERS 'Whole of Home' and 'Exisiting Home' energy rating scheme changes. Design Matter National is the peak body for the building design profession and is the Assessor Accrediting Organisation for NatHERS assessors.

Industry memberships

CitySwitch - CitySwitch is Australia's flagship decarbonisation program for office based businesses. Green Moves is an active member of CitySwitch since 2019, participating in events and supporting other members on their journey to reduce carbon emissions. Renew - Renew is a non-profit organisation workign to transform Australian homes for climate ane energy resilience. Green Moves is a long standing member and has contributed several articles to both Renew and Sanctuary magazines. Once of our most popular articles was 'Costing Comfort' outlining the issues around valuing green homes and some of the efforts to address them. ISSP - International Society of Sustainability Professionals - is the worlds leading network of sustainabilty professionals aiming to create change.

What do our labels mean?

2024 People’s Choice Award Winner Logo

2024 People’s Choice Award Winner

2024 Transparency Award Winner Logo

2024 Transparency Award Winner

Carbon Neutral Organisation Logo

Carbon Neutral Organisation

Certified B Corporation Logo

Certified B Corporation

Climate Active Certified Logo

Climate Active Certified

CO2 Neutral Website Logo

CO2 Neutral Website

GreenPower Accredited Logo

GreenPower Accredited

About Green Moves

  • Status
  • Employees
  • 1 - 5
  • Industry
  • Environmental Services
  • Country
  • Australia
  • Founded
  • 2009