Australian Furniture Association

Foundation Member | Tracking Since October 2022

Australian Furniture Association Sustainability Profile

Know where your furniture comes from...

The Australian Furniture Association (AFA) is a not-for-profit organisation representing professionals in the furniture and furnishing industries who operate locally, nationally and globally across all areas of the supply chain. Consumer interest in sustainable and ethical products has expanded beyond the food & beverage and fashion industries. Today, more and more shoppers are taking a closer look at the origins behind all the products in their households, including furniture and furnishing products. These goods form a considerable part of our daily lives and can found all over our homes, from the furniture we buy to the packaging of many household products. Consumers looking to deepen their commitment to sustainability are seeking goods that comply with their values. The AFA supports third-party certification and product stewardship with all AFA listed members certified under a recognised ecolabel and / or product stewardship scheme. To find out more about our commitment to sustainability please visit -

About Australian Furniture Association

  • Status
  • Employees
  • 5 - 25
  • Industry
  • Furniture
  • Country
  • Australia
  • Founded
  • 1948

Australian Furniture Association Services

The Australian Furniture Association supports sustainable practices within the furniture industry by providing resources and product stewardship support. They help AFA members get certified under recognised ecolabels, helping businesses meet consumer demand for ethically sourced and environmentally friendly products, enhancing brand reputation and market competitiveness.

Serviceable Locations: Australia

Australian Furniture Association Sustainability Actions


The AFA supports sustainable business practices encouraging its members to become more sustainable and move towards a more circular approach to product development. The AFA supports third-party certification and product stewardship with all AFA listed members certified under a recognised ecolabel and / or product stewardship scheme.

AFA Timber Due Diligence Toolkit

AFA research indicates that timber is the largest material input in Australian furniture and furnishing products. The AFA provides a Due Diligence Toolkit for members which provides assurance that all timber used in furniture and furnishing products meets the requirements as outlined in the Illegal Logging Prohibition Act and Regulations (Cth). For more information, please visit -

Compliance and Enforcement

The AFA places a strong emphasis on supporting and advising Members about their obligations around safety, standards, compliance and regulatory requirements. The AFA has developed a number of compliance and enforcement tools which support members and consumers in meeting requirements as outlined in the Australian Government Sustainable Procurement Guidelines (2021). These include specifying furniture and furnishing products which carry a verified ecolabel, product stewardship scheme and / or Australian Standard. To find out more, please visit

Australian Furniture Association Partnerships

Memberships & Accreditations

About Australian Furniture Association

  • Status
  • Employees
  • 5 - 25
  • Industry
  • Furniture
  • Country
  • Australia
  • Founded
  • 1948

Sustainable Development Goals

Australian Furniture Association is committed to advancing these Global Goals to promote prosperity for people & planet.








Australian Furniture Association Sustainability News

Something Needs to Give – How the Timber Shortage is Impacting on Aussie Furniture

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Is your timber furniture legal, sustainable, and certified?

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Fake Online ‘Greenwashing’ Reviews Targeted by Australian Regulator

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