Dive Into Sustainability: 4 Must-Read Publications

by GECA 29/05/2024

Services, Social & Environmental Services

This is a sponsored article from SustainabilityTracker.com member GECA.

Much is happening across the sustainability space right now, particularly under the umbrellas of circular economy, human rights and climate action. Here are four key publications to add to your reading list to keep up with the latest developments!

#1 – Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group – Interim Report

The Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group recently presented their interim report to the Environment Minister, Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, encapsulating the group’s initial advice to the Australian Government. Established in 2023, the Advisory Group aims for a final report to be delivered to the Australian Government at the end of 2024.

The interim report provides recommendations across six areas: national policy, targets and indicators, economics, net zero, design and consumption of products, and the built environment. The 15-member Advisory Group highlights the need for regulatory reform, improved monitoring of progress, and coordinated action in sectors like infrastructure and construction, focusing on procurement strategies to drive markets. It’s encouraging that ecolabels and certification schemes have been highlighted as enablers of behaviour change!

The Advisory Group welcomes submissions from interested stakeholders in the lead-up to each meeting. Before submitting, please contact the secretariat at circulareconomy@dcceew.gov.au for advice on timing and the type of information being sought.

#2 – Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy

Closely aligned with the recommendations outlined in the Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group interim report is the Australian Government’s new Environmentally Sustainable Procurement (ESP) Policy.

Administered by the Department of Climate Change Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), the ESP Policy aims to guide decisions and allow the Government to measure the environmental outcomes from its procurements. It establishes a reporting framework to create a baseline for environmentally sustainable procurement. The ESP Policy, which comes into effect on 1 July 2024, focuses on the three areas of climate, the environment and circularity.

#3 – Circular Action Guide: How to Cut Emissions and Nature Impacts From Materials In Your Value Chain

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative, an accredited partner of the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions’ Race To Zero, has released a new guide for anyone planning to transform their business to become a part of the circular economy, including managers and employees in, for example, business development, product design and management, procurement, and sustainability roles.

The Circular Action Guide provides practical steps for shifting from a linear to a circular value chain, including developing and integrating robust key performance indicators (KPIs) to drive your business towards a net zero and circular value chain.

#4 – Pathway to Respecting Human Rights and Addressing Modern Slavery Risks

Two of GECA’s key stakeholders, the Property Council of Australia and Edge Impact, have launched a ground-breaking new resource designed to give property and construction businesses and their suppliers practical and actionable steps for respecting human rights and tackling modern slavery, no matter the size of business or level of experience.

Pathway to Respecting Human Rights and Addressing Modern Slavery Risks provides guidance, examples, case studies and actions, with links to 58 free online resources organisations can use to ensure continuous improvement.


This a sponsored post published on behalf of GECA.